Before our April &May salons we clicked on the images below and took in these three videos.

It is called by many names, including implicit bias, unconscious bias or implicit association. Implicit bias can be defined as the ingrained habits of thought that, when left unchecked, lead to errors in how we perceive, remember, reason and make decisions.
— Dr. Jeanne Porter King
Institutional racism describes the ways in which political, cultural and social institutions treat people differently depending on their race. 
— Resistance Manual
Dr. Joy DeGruy Post Traumatic Slave Syndrome 1:21:36

Dr. Joy DeGruy Post Traumatic Slave Syndrome 1:21:36

Let’s be clear: systemic racism is a corrosive and widespread problem in our society, and we all need to do a better job of confronting it—in our towns, in our neighborhoods, and in ourselves.
— The Ben & Jerry's Foundation
Richard Rothstein narrates short film Segregated By Design 17:42

Richard Rothstein narrates short film Segregated By Design 17:42

Reject the idea that we can be objective here instead create a practice of recognizing your implicit biases so that you can consciously interrupt them and divest from systemic oppression.