Educate. Decolonize. Advocate.
People and organizations offering antiracist tools, knowledge and strategies.
Webinar Series
These on-demand webinars support practices that can help reduce prejudice, improve intergroup relationships and promote equitable experiences for all students. Watch them at your own pace, and share them with colleagues!
Showing Up For Racial Justice
Spurred by the courageous leadership of the movement for Black lives, and the struggles for immigrant and indigenous justice, more and more white people are coming to understand that our silence holds oppression in place, and that our liberation is bound up in ending white supremacy.
Get Involved
Explore Children in Adult Prisons, Excessive Punishment, the need for Sentencing Reform, and the urgent need to confront our History of Racial Injustice.
Racial Equity Tools
This site offers tools, research, tips, curricula and ideas for people who want to increase their own understanding and to help those working toward justice at every level – in systems, organizations, communities and the culture at large.