Antiracism Practice Fodder


Ableism & Racism: Roots of The Same Tree

Rebecca Cokley is one of the country’s leading voices on disability rights, and centers race in her analysis and advocacy. Dr. Ibram X. Kendi is a national book award winner, #1 new york times bestselling author, and the andrew w. mellon professor in the humanities director, boston university center for antiracist research. He sat down with the California native for a frank conversation on the intersections of ableism and racism in America. The image is a cartoon version of a brown skinned man with locs down his back is looking straight ahead. He is wearing a green blazer over and white T-shirt withe an African color palette pocket square.

How Superstore Got Its Portrayal of Undocumented Immigration Right

Journalist Jose Antonio Vargas a Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist, Emmy-nominated filmmaker, and Tony-nominated producer. A leading voice for the human rights of immigrants. He founded the non-profit media advocacy organization Define American. In this interview he explains how his organization helps TV and movies tell sensitive and accurate stories.


Spirituality And Anti-Racism With Sonia Roberts

Eric and Sonia Roberts discuss her book, "White Ally: A Guide to Cultivating a Deeply Spiritual Anti-Racism Practice", exploring the intersection of transformational inner work within ourselves and transformational outer work in the world, specifically when it comes to practicing anti-racism.

Accountability Statement

What Does Accountability Look Like For Me and White People in General? These are the personal accountability actions of Robin DiAngelo, PhD, as posted on their website. They are pictured looking into the camera wearing glasses and a black turtleneck sweater with a slightly pursed lip smile and shoulder length curly salt and pepper hair.

Get Involved With Black Theatre Coalition

To remove the “ILLUSION OF INCLUSION” in the American Theatre, by building a sustainable ethical roadmap that will increase employment opportunities for Black theatre professionals. Our vision is to reshape the working ecosystem for those who have been marginalized by systemically racist and biased ideology. A photo of a bad headed brown skin man looking into the camera, with the words Black Theatre Coalition in black over the top. A black arch frames his face with the words We Stand With Our Three Lions #ukagainstracism. At the bottom are three young black men, the professional soccer players the campaign supports.

12 Practice: Somatic Centering with Sumitra Rajkumar

This week's practice is a Somatic Centering practice that can be done anywhere, alone or in a group… and is one of the most fundamental building block tools of somatics, helping you to presence yourself fully in your life and in your work. You’ll need a place you can focus, and no supplies other than yourself for this practice. It can be done alone or in a group.

Be The Change Consulting

This four-month virtual training series features over 40 learning experiences that examine six areas of organizational practice to de-center white dominantion and support organizations to build inclusive and equitable outcomes. Pictured to the right of the words Becoming an Antiracist Organization Capacity Building Series is a logo of tree. Top to bottom there are green leaves, orange, burnt orange and red. There is a light brown trunk and dark brown roots.

The Kent Test Created By Clarkisha Kent

The Kent Test is a media litmus test designed to determine whether a film or any other piece of media has provided the audience with adequate representation of Black women and/or women of color. Its’ purpose is to encourage discussion on what good representation can look like for these groups and it is not the be-all and end-all of media criticism. Rather, it is to be used as a starting point. The Kent Test is named after its’ creator; culture critic and writer Clarkisha Kent. Any mention of women includes trans women.

2020 Challenge Archive

The 2021 Racial Equity & Social Justice Challenge series, powered by United Way of Delaware (UWDE), Delaware Racial Justice Coalition, and YWCA Delaware, was a monthly journey of self-discovery designed to help Delawareans build more effective social justice habits, particularly those dealing with issues of race, power, privilege, and leadership. In the black and white picture we see two people from their shoulders to their elbows. One is light skinned and one is dark skinned. They are facing each other and each is holding the other’s hand chest high.